Safeguarding Policy 2024


Straight Up Dance & Theatre School (SUDTS) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people who participate in our activities. We recognise our responsibility to protect children from harm and ensure that all staff, volunteers, and associates adhere to this safeguarding policy.

Purpose of the Policy:

This policy is intended to protect all children who receive services from SUDTS, including those who are the children of adults who receive services. It provides guidance to all staff, volunteers, and other individuals involved with SUDTS on how to safeguard children from harm and outlines the steps to be taken if concerns arise.


This policy applies to all staff, managers, trustees, directors, volunteers, students, and anyone working on behalf of SUDTS. It covers all activities, classes, workshops, and events organised by SUDTS, regardless of the location.

Safeguarding Principles:

  • The welfare of the child is paramount.
  • All children, regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religious belief, sexual orientation, or identity, have the right to equal protection from harm.
  • We will take all suspicions and allegations of abuse seriously and respond swiftly and appropriately.
  • SUDTS will actively promote a safe and positive environment, ensuring that all staff and volunteers understand their safeguarding responsibilities.

Safeguarding Officer:

The designated Safeguarding Officer for SUDTS is responsible for overseeing the implementation of this policy and handling any safeguarding concerns.

Safeguarding Officer: Rebecca Barnard
Telephone: 07766223035

In the event that the Safeguarding Officer is unavailable, concerns should be directed to the Deputy Safeguarding Officer, who will be appointed and communicated to all relevant parties.

Responding to Safeguarding Concerns:

  • Immediate Risk: If a child is at immediate risk of serious harm, the nearest responsible adult should contact emergency services by dialing 999. The Safeguarding Officer must then be informed as soon as possible.
  • Non-Immediate Risk: If there is a safeguarding concern but no immediate risk, the adult who witnesses or hears the concern should report it to the Safeguarding Officer by the end of the day.
  • Handling Disclosures: If a child discloses information about harm or abuse:some text
    • Listen calmly and carefully, without making promises of confidentiality.
    • Reassure the child that they have done the right thing by telling someone.
    • Do not ask leading or probing questions.
    • Record the details of the disclosure in writing, including times, dates, and any other relevant information.
    • Refer the information to the Safeguarding Officer immediately.

Managing Allegations Against Adults:

  • Any concerns about the behaviour of an adult associated with SUDTS, whether staff, volunteer, or contractor, must be reported to the Safeguarding Officer.
  • The Safeguarding Officer will investigate the concerns and, if necessary, refer the matter to the appropriate authorities, such as the Local Authority Children’s Services or the Police.
  • The individual against whom the allegation has been made will be informed of the process and treated fairly throughout the investigation.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks:

  • All staff members, volunteers, and chaperones engaged in activities with children will undergo appropriate DBS checks as required by law.
  • SUDTS will refer any individual removed from regulated activity to the Disclosure and Barring Service, if applicable.

Supervision and Physical Contact:

  • SUDTS will ensure that all children are adequately supervised during activities. For each age group, there will be at least one teacher and one assistant present.
  • Physical contact will only be made when necessary, for example, to demonstrate a move or correct technique, and always with the child’s consent.
  • Any use of physical restraint will be minimal and only to prevent harm.

Managing Risks Posed by Other Children:

  • SUDTS recognises that children can also be at risk from their peers, particularly through bullying.
  • Any instances of bullying will be addressed promptly, with a focus on supporting the victim and educating the perpetrator.
  • Persistent bullying behaviour may result in the removal of the offending child from SUDTS activities.

Photography and Social Media:

  • SUDTS will always seek written consent from parents or guardians before taking or sharing photographs or videos of children.
  • Parents and guardians are asked not to share images of other children taken during SUDTS events unless they have received explicit permission from the parents or guardians of those children.

Confidentiality and Data Protection:

  • All personal data related to children will be processed in accordance with our Data Protection Policy, which is available on our website.
  • Information shared with the Safeguarding Officer will be handled confidentially and only shared with those who need to know, in line with safeguarding procedures.

Safeguarding at Events and Activities:

  • The Safeguarding Officer is responsible for ensuring the safety of all events and activities, including conducting risk assessments and overseeing supervision.
  • For any event where children are not accompanied by their parents or guardians, SUDTS will obtain written consent, including emergency contact details and any specific safety needs.

Monitoring and Review:

This policy will be reviewed annually or more frequently if required by changes in legislation or operational practices. The review will ensure the policy remains up-to-date and effective in safeguarding children.

Legal Framework:

This policy has been developed in accordance with the relevant UK legislation and statutory guidance, including the Children Act 1989, the Children Act 2004, and the Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance.


This Safeguarding Policy is approved by Straight Up Dance & Theatre School and is robustly endorsed by the management team.